Monday, June 28, 2010

BET Awards 2010

So i don't think I need to speak on how whack the 2010 TOMFOOLERY...I mean BET Awards were but I will post the performances that I thought were pretty dope.

Now even though I wasn't exactly that impressed by this performance, just for the simple fact that this is the first time we've seen Kanye in 6 months I had to post this. I think I would've liked it more if he wasn't wearing that obnoxious chain -_- but oh well, Kanye's back and I can't wait for what he has in store for us in 2010.

This was the first performance of the night that I truly enjoyed and you could tell that T.I. and everyone else was enjoyin it too (just look at Willow Smith jammin lol). T.I. looked great on stage and showed no signs of rust in the performance. There were a lot of returns that night now that I think of it.

I was just expecting Drake to perform Over and be done with it so when I saw him open with Fireworks I was automatically glued to the TV screen. Of course he did end up going into Over which sounds great live and then brought out Jeezy to perform a remix of Lose My Mind (thank GOD Plies didn't get on stage -_-). Drake continues to grow as a performer and it was dope to see him very confident on that stage. Oh and people need to stop with the Illuminati stuff jeez -_-.

I was gonna post Trey Songz performance but it wasn't on youtube in good quality. Trey continues to solidify his spot as the new king of R&B and definitely outdid Usher's somewhat spastic performance. He kept it low key and intimate performing Yo Side of The Bed (one of my favorite songs by him) and then went into Purple Rain by Prince. Great performance overall

And the best performance of the night goes to Chris Brown who did an amazing tribute to the late great Michael Jackson that will definitely be talked about throughout the week, most likely because during Man in the Mirror he broke down on stage and cried. Now some people out there thought that it was all a publicity stunt to gain sympathy but I really feel like it was genuine. Anyone who's followed his career knows that MJ was his biggest idol/influence and Chris was supposed to do a tribute for him a while ago but because of the backlash he received from the Rihanna incident he was denied that oppuriunity which I can only imagine destroyed him. After all the bad press, emotional battles and loss that he'd went through in the past year I can only imagine that it all came to ahead during his tribute to his hero. It definitely tugged on my heart strings and I can only hope that Chris only continues to venture upward out of this hole that his career was in.

Besides these the rest of the Award show was just a bunch of random nigga shit to me but if you guys have different view or had performances that you think I should've posted you know what to do. Till next time, Rock on from Krypton!

Dueces Up!



  1. Kanye up there singing from Mt. Zion xD LOL!

    Good job Pretty Boy!

  2. I could possibly be the only black person on earth who isn't a Kanye West fan. I haven't heard Drake's "Thank Me Later" album, but judging from his performance I'm sure it's pretty good. I'm confused as to when, where, and why Ciara adopted that California valley girl voice. I'm almost 100% certain that she's from Atlanta. El De Barge killed it- one of the best performances of the night. Patti Labelle tore it up too. I literally LOL'ed when she kicked her shoes off and started screaming and hollering. Somebody got saved during that performance. Chris Brown, welcome back. Prince is amazing. Trey Songs yodels. That pretty much sums it all up.

  3. lmao Alee I'm certain you're definitely not the only black person who isn't a Kanye West fan. Drake's album is really well done and get's better with more listens. I actually fast-forwarded through most of the show that didn't involve performances so I don't know what ur talking about when it comes to Ciara. I don't really even know who El Debarge is, all i know is I randomly saw a spanish man onstage with a piano and fast-fowarded lol. I will join you in welcoming back Breezy, Prince is dope and lmao @ your Trey Songz comment
